True and sincere

A farmer in a village was badly in need of money for meeting some medical expenses.  He had agricultural land and he decided to sell it for meeting medical expenses.  He got another farmer who was willing to purchase the same and the price was decided.  The sale deed was prepared covering all the usual contents including one clause that the buyer can enjoy the peaceful possession and any hidden treasures will become the property of the buyer.  The sale deed was registered and the seller got the money also.  After few years the buyer while ploughing the land found a vessel containing gold ornaments.  He immediately took the same and rushed to the seller's house and requested him to accept the treasure.  But the seller said "you read the sale deed properly".  It clearly states the treasure belongs to you.  But the buyer denied and started embarrassing the seller.

The seller having becoming angry on the buyer rushed to the king and appraised the situation.  The king studied the case meticulously and called the buyer and said. "In terms of the sale deed the treasure is yours and should accept.  But when he denied the king asked the seller about the family background of both.

When both  declared the king with a sigh of satisfaction advised the seller to arrange the marriage of his son with the daughter of the buyer confirming that this is the King's verdict and both should abide it.  Thus the king's  justice saved the truth and sincerity of both the parties.


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