The god has created the world with 84 lakhs of creatures. Starting from big elephant to the smallest ant he has made this earth. For these creatures he created food and job for their achievement. For example - for the elephant it eats eats the green plants and does the job of lifting the huge weighing logs, but the ant eats small things like pieces of jogger y or crystals of sugar etc. and does small jobs. Once the elephant mocked at ant and said. I do not understand why the god created you and I do not understand the usefulness of the job you are doing and to whom. The ant felt humiliated and prayed god for the solution. The god advised the ant to enter the trunk of the elephant. The ant entered and started biting inside the trunk and the elephant started crying. With all its efforts the elephant could not kick out the ant from its trunk and could not resist. Now the god asked the ant to give relief the elephant...
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