A person gets a son.  When he referred to his horoscope he finds the son will not live long.  So he consulted his highers and came to know that if he gets married at a very young age he will live long.  But the father is now doubtful.  Suppose he gets married also and the son dies there is no meaning in getting him married.  If he keeps quiet then he would die early.  His father is in the state of utter confusion.

However he advises his to go for piligrim.  The son goes to so many places of piligrimage  and gains lot of knowledge.  Now he is in a kingdom.  There a marriage is set between the duke and bride.  The marriage is fixed for the next day itself.  The duke had a disease of becoming unconscious the moment he inhales smoke.  This the king or the duke have not declared to the bride party.  The king at the last moment doubts that if his son becomes unconscious the bride will not accept his son.  The king is standing on the balcony finds this unfortunate boy going on the piligrimage.  He finds sharp resemblances between his duke and this unfortunate boy.  The king asks his people to bring him inside the palace.  The king requests this boy to come on the dais  and he can continue his piligrimage in the afternoon.

The boy is of helping nature and accepts the words.  He finished the marriage and about to get up when the bride asked him whether the marriage performed hither to is true. The boy said it is true only and took his lunch and started his piligrimage.  After few days the boy having completed his tour is returning when he visited this kingdom.  A notice board was displayed in the kingdom that whomever that repeated the question made by the bride would suitably rewarded.

Now the boy thinks that  this is a small and silly question and  repeats it in the ear of bride's father.  Immediately the father brings his daughter who confirms  that this boy is the groom.  Now the father says the boy that "You are the real groom to my daughter".  Now the son returns to his native place and his father verifies that the son is well blessed and names his son as "CHIRAYU" 


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